Thanks for checking out my blog!! I hope I can give you some insight into the battles, antics, heartaches, frustrations, and victories of Everquest.

Please scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to turn off the music player, get it fired up, or pick a different song. I couldn't resist sharing some of my favorite mob killing music with my readers!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Temple of Veeshan - Round One

A few days ago, Azmodian and Stabbity decided to adventure into Temple of Veeshan. We had a couple of very enjoyable hours killing dragons under the guise of getting gear for my level 15 wizard and his level 10 druid. It is really quite a fascinating "dirty trick" that we pulled.

In ToV, the gear these days seems silly when compared to the gear most of us enjoy on our main characters. The armor class and statistic bonuses on ToV gear is laughable at best to any current raider, and the raw hit point and mana is only 100 at its highest. However, there is absolutely no level restriction on this gear. Other places with similar gear have level restrictions of 51 or 60, which obviously means you must be of that level or higher to equip it to your player character.

Temple of Veeshan offers premium and gasp inducing gear so long as you are level 1. I realize that statement seems like a jab to the old dragons of Velious and a joke to any high end raider. However, for a moment, take me quite literally. I saw Rocksmasher and wanted to cry. Azmodian would have killed any number of Indigo Brotherhood and gladly ruined his own lands for that mallet when he was a young a dark elf. I mean, lets be honest here, Azmodian currently only has 43% haste on a fabled belt item he got a few years ago. It hasn't been upgraded because haste isn't always the easiest thing to come by if you want haste over 36%.

Now, in ages past, the real problem and question was "Well, yes the gear there is great; but how in the name of Veeshan do we get a level 1 character to the dragon's corpse to even loot such an item?". In the event that the zone hasn't been placed under Sony's magical twink ruining spell requiring a player character to be a particular level to enter the zone, you could always risk running the poor little character across many dangerous zones to reach the zone of destination. If the baby character did make it alive, you would likely need a rogue with Shroud of Stealth capable and willing to drag the dead body of the small character from the zone line to a cleric near the dragon corpse. For most people, this sounds like too much work for an alternative character. Never fear, Sony solved this problem for you.

Now that we have Fellowships in game, things of this nature are easy beyond belief. I simply added my alt and Stabbity's alt to our fellowship. Once the dragon had been dispatched, we would quickly log out and log in our alt. We would use their Fellowship stone to port them to the Campfire which I had placed near the dragon's corpse before logging off Azmodian. We happily looted up and logged back on our main characters to continue the killing spree on our mains while rinsing and repeating the loot method on our well loved alts.

Please take to note though, that you must have three people who are in the fellowship in close proximity to lay down a campfire. We remedied this by simply boxing our friend's bard, Thaden. Also, some level restricted zones will still not accept a player character below the appropriate level even if they are using a campfire to port in. Be sure to give it a test at the zone line before clearing a zone with the sole purpose of gearing your alt. I am also quite unsure if this violates anything in the EULA or is considered manipulation in any form. I can't assure anyone that it does not; but it doesn't appear to harm anything or anyone.

In the end, it was quite fun to kill my beloved Velious dragons once more; and being able to do this for my alts was an added bonus.

Happy Hunting!

Temple of Veeshan trash train.
Velious trash acid trip.
All the pretty colors.