Thanks for checking out my blog!! I hope I can give you some insight into the battles, antics, heartaches, frustrations, and victories of Everquest.

Please scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to turn off the music player, get it fired up, or pick a different song. I couldn't resist sharing some of my favorite mob killing music with my readers!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Norrath, we pledge our loyalty to thee

It is 2pm. I came to consciousness only 45 minutes prior to this moment. My battle wounds are definitely showing this morning. Aching feet, a stiff back, a cut on my right thumb to match the scratch on my left palm, a cough from too many cigarettes and beers the night before, and I definitely need a fix....I need to log back in. Oh my dear lover has returned to me; destroyer of lives and maker of virtual heroes.

My dearly beloved Everquest.Logging in again was strangely exciting. It felt taboo and frightening. I am aware of how nerdy chic it must sound to describe a video game in a way that trumps the way I speak of sex.

My companions and I encountered many battles last night as well. The shaman came face to face with a most villainous boss mob intent on ruining her quest for a LAN by casting "life drain: work late". The shadowknight was suffering from fatigue and stun after being attacked by a wave of mobs named after household rooms and items. The paladin, while working on his alcohol tolerance, became so irrevocably intoxicated that he was transfixed by the shadowknight's armor and his own personal lack of an epic weapon. The rogue, after lock picking a particularly stubborn Dell chassis, waited quite impatiently for the rest of the party to pull themselves together. Eventually, after much discussion and fighting our way free from a tangle of evil ethernet roots......we could enter Norrath and play!!!

With the prep work behind us, my friends and I did have quite the time playing last night.
I boxed my prized shadowknight and a great cleric loaner from an old friend. I have decided that I never should have left, because I was quite close to amazing for the time period in which I abandoned EQ. Kevin's paladin is a bit behind (a bit being five years or so, hehe), and he dies quite easily. Kevin has heart and dedication though which I think are two important factors when playing Everquest. Katherine has no utter clue what she is doing. It is cute, and I think she will learn her character in time and love him. She also probably would have had a better time had I not accidently instructed her to cast AE slow as oppose to target slow. At least we did solve the mystery of why the shaman was always out of mana. Clane seems silent for now, which is his usually m.o. about most things. I hope he is having a fun, and I hope everyone else is as well.

Last night was the most fun I have had in a while despite the search of vendors for invis potions only to realize my cleric had a bag full. Oh, did I mention that shaman invis on a paladin sucks? Ask Kevin. I am sure he will respond, and I quote, "I TOLD you shaman invis was no good, I TOLD YOU. Go to the corner, go to the corner, let me rezz the cleric in the corner. I am so scared right now. I am gonna pee right now if we don't rezz the cleric. What if I die? then we are just boned. Get in the corner!!"

So, after my first night back..I'm tired, wired, and my group is logged in waiting on me.